Challenges of eliminating tuberculosis through free prevention therapy in Nigeria

Challenges of eliminating tuberculosis through  free prevention therapy in Nigeria

Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy (TPT) has been shown to significantly reduce mortality and prevent the disease in vulnerable populations, but efforts and strategies to scale up this treatment in Nigeria towards ending TB by 2030 have recorded slow progress due to some challenges. In this report, CHUKWUMA MUANYA identifies the challenges and efforts at addressing them.

Medical experts and patients have alerted the Nigerian public to the many challenges faced by people with tuberculosis (TB) and their caregivers in accessing the free testing, prevention and treatment programme initiated by the Federal Government through the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme (NTLBCP).

They listed, among other things, high level of poverty of most patients, frequent out-of-stock drug syndrome at the treatment centres, ignorance and poor awareness, stigma and discrimination, adverse drug…
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