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For LGBTQ Kenyans, court win prompts backlash as threats escalate

February’s ruling in favour of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) reversed a ban imposed on it by the national board that regulates NGOs, and was welcomed by the commission as a minor affirmation of LGBTQ Kenyans’ place in society.

But, in a country where same-sex acts remain punishable by up to 14 years in prison, the ruling has also led to a menacing backlash.

President William Ruto said that, while he respected the supreme court’s decision, “it doesn’t mean we have to agree with it” – a reaction less hostile than from many other leading politicians.

Meanwhile, NGLHRC activists have reported a surge in threats against the community. Calls it has received reporting abuse, including assaults, threats and discrimination, rose from 78 in January to 117 in February and 367 in March, the commission said.

Victims include a 31-year-old lesbian who was on the back of a motorbike taxi on the capital Nairobi’s outskirts…
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