FX Guys

German Factory Orders Slide 5.8% in August Highlighting Demand Woes

According to data from Destatis,

  • Orders from outside the Euro area increased by 3.4%, while orders from the Euro area slid by 10.5%.
  • New orders from the rest of the world (excluding Germany) fell by 2.2%, while domestic orders were down 10.9% in August.
  • Excluding large-scale orders, new orders declined by 3.4%.
  • In July, large-scale orders had surged by over 80%, skewing August’s headline figure.
  • New orders, excluding large-scale orders, were up 0.7% from June 2024 to August 2024 compared with the three months prior.

Looking at the broader segments of Germany’s manufacturing sector:

  • Orders across the capital goods sector declined by 8.6% in August, while the intermediate goods sector saw orders drop by 2.2%.
  • Consumer…
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