FX Guys

Gold-i’s Tom Higgins on where growth’s coming from after 16 years in business

FNG Exclusive Interview… Gold-i, one of the original technology innovators in the online trading industry, celebrated its 16-year anniversary this year. We talked to founder and CEO Tom Higgins about the tech firm’s successes, company culture, growth plans and industry trends. Here is what Tom had to say.

FNG: Hi Tom, and congrats on Gold-i’s 16th anniversary. As one of the pioneering tech firms in the industry, what are you most proud of?

Tom: I’m most proud of the fact that we have served so many customers over so many years and that we have enabled hundreds of businesses in our industry to grow and thrive.

FNG: How has the business evolved over the last 16 years in terms of product offering, client types and global reach?

Tom: The…
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