FX Guys

NinjaTrader unveils innovative futures sentiment indicator NinjaTrader Pulse

NinjaTrader, a fintech platform for retail futures trading, today announced the launch of NinjaTrader Pulse, an innovative futures sentiment indicator designed to provide an accurate overview of positions taken by active retail traders.

The real-time, gauge-style assessment indicator provides retail traders with a comprehensive overview and detailed summary of market positioning of the most popular futures contracts, including E-mini S&P 500 (ES), Micro E-mini S&P 500 (MES), E-mini Nasdaq 100 (NQ), Micro E-mini Nasdaq 100 (MNQ), E-mini Dow (YM), Micro E-mini Dow (MYM), crude oil (CL), micro crude oil (MCL), gold (GC), micro gold (MGC).

The measurement of true retail trader sentiment and intermarket positioning is based on actual trading behavior across NinjaTrader clients.

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