Western Union (NYSE:WU) today announced a major expansion of its pilot program providing money transfer services from the U.S. to Cuba.
The initial test phase of the pilot program, launched on January 4, included send service from a select group of U.S. retail locations in the Greater Miami area. Today, it has grown to more than 4,400 retail locations across the United States and Puerto Rico, as well as the availability of digital send service from WesternUnion.com and the Western Union mobile app.
Currently, customers can send money from the U.S. to receivers with bank and debit card accounts at the following banks in Cuba: Banco Popular de Ahorro, Banco Metropolitano S.A. and Banco de Credito y Comercio (Bandec).
To process transactions to Cuba, Western Union signed an agreement with Orbit S.A. who received authorization from theā¦
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