FX Guys

Benefits of heart purity – Part 2

Purity of heart and partaking of the rapture are not promises for a community. Therefore, having the experience requires personal dedication and expectation. Only the pure in heart “shall ascend into the hill of the Lord.” Nothing else, not even the ability to heal, manifest power, authority or perform miracles, can qualify anyone to stand in God’s presence on that day; onlyholiness can.

Prayer is essential to possess a pure heart, as it does not happen accidentally. Rather, it is an experience we must desire and actively pray for. The psalmist, after examining his heart and recognising his need for purity, prayed: “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow,” This should be the prayer of those who genuinely seek a pure heart. We should ask God to remove every stain of sin and the corrupting influence of the nature of Adam, the old man, from our hearts. Such…
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