My name is Brother Chibeze Success Malachi. I joined the Lord’s Chosen in United Arab Emirate (UAE) in 2007. I thank God for the grace to be a Chosen.
Moreover, I thank God for turning the sorrow, reproach and shame of my family into dancing and rejoicing. At my father’s funeral, the reverend that conducted the service eulogised him and at the end, he asked; what about his children (referring to us)? They are reproach and nothing to write home about, he concluded. This was because we were not doing anything as of then. This was a priest that was supposed to be comforting us, but he turned to be a thorn to us. By the grace of God, Jesus Christ found me and gave me salvation. And through that salvation, l travelled to Dubai where l joined the Lord’s Chosen and God turned everything negative in my life to my good.
I grew up amid the people that my father helped and, even trained, but in return,…
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