FX Guys

How to transition from Web2 to Web3

The shift from Web2 to Web3 can be a bit tricky. Navigating the learning curve can be steep, especially in comprehending the fundamentals of the underlying technology.

To divert seamlessly, you should be mindful of the evolution. Thus, it is imperative to examine the phases that the web has gone through up until this point.

In maximising productivity in an interconnected technological world, it is vital to think about what your business stands to gain from all of these outcomes. From an epoch of “Read-Only,” to “Read and Write,” and now “Read, Write, and Own,” the metamorphosis of the web is pretty interesting.

Web 1.0: Read-Only
Web1, also known as Web 1.0, existed between 1990- 2004, and it was characterised by non-interactive websites controlled by corporations and establishments. Users were passive information consumers with limited ability to create content or engage with others….
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