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NFNV empowers women with sustainable skills, financial inclusion

The Nigeria chapter of New Faces, New Voices (NFNV-Nigeria) has, over the years, bridged the barriers preventing Nigerian women from attaining their full potential and life sustenance. NFNV, a pan-African women-in-finance network under the Graça Machel Trust (GMT), focuses on promoting changes in the finance, entrepreneurship, digital skills, and other sectors by ensuring Africa benefits from women’s economic potential. NFNV-Nigeria believes in empowering women to contribute to a crucial shift in the business and financial landscape across the continent.

Recently, the group held a National Roundtable on Women Leadership and Financial Inclusion (WLFI-NRT2), focused on bridging Nigeria’s wealth-gender gap and boosting women’s roles and influence in the country’s financial industry. The roundtable, themed “Closing the Wealth Gender Gap: Strategies for Achieving Economic Inclusion,” examined the financial…
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