FX Guys

The responsive power of seed sowing

Planting any kind of seed is risk taking. In life, taking a good seed and opening the ground to hide it and allowing it to grow is a major risk of leap of faith, which every farmer enjoys seasonally. In life, nothing planted, nothing harvested.

We live in difficult times; the current time is capable of taking away someone’s humanity. Difficult times have always and will ever remain part of man’s existential experience. Anyone who considers the level of hardship experienced in the world today, especially in our nation, Nigeria, may end up becoming egocentric.

The Preacher in Ecclesiastics 11:4 said: “He that observes the wind shall not sow; and he that regards the clouds shall not reap.”
The only thing that makes a farmer to still open the ground to bury his seed, despite the hunger is the hope of greater harvest and prosperous future. We are called to be a blessing to those around us and…
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